Science In Design launches university initiative

science in design summit in high point

(Greensboro, NC – January 6, 2025) – Science in Design is excited to announce a new educational initiative aimed at helping the next generation of interior designers better understand the health benefits of neuroaesthetics and biophilic design. Over the last several years Science in Design has been educating interior designers on the value of science-backed design using neuroaesthetics and biophilic principles.

The response from designers has been “I wish I had known that 20 years ago.” As a result, we have initiated an outreach program to universities and design schools across the country. Science in Design has recently lectured at Michigan State University and the Bienenstock Future Designers Summit, and is scheduled to lecture at University of Nevada, Western Carolina University, Savannah College of Art and Design, and University of North Carolina early in 2025. We are in discussions with additional design schools and universities.

The Founder of Science in Design, Mike Peterson, comments, “I am excited to bring to the next generation of designers the education we have been providing to the design industry in the past few years. Science documents that beauty and fine design improve health, and it’s important that students learn this game-changing, cutting-edge information early in their careers.”

The lectures and classroom education includes content from Johns Hopkins University, the Mayo Clinic, University of Pennsylvania, the University of Oregon, and additional institutions of scientific education. Importantly, the education will include real-life examples from leading designers who have been educated on neuroaesthetics and biophilia through the Science in Design Certification program.

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Science in Design is all about pushing boundaries, embracing innovation, and staying at the forefront of design thinking. Science in Design believes that understanding humans and their needs is essential for the future of interior design and architecture. Design has the power to create pleasure and beauty, which can have a positive impact on our emotions and physical health.

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