fabric line
Stout Textiles, in partnership with its long-term UK-based affiliate Ashley Wilde Group, debuts the new William Morris At Home line of fabric in the United States. William Morris At Home is an authentic Morris brand in partnership with the William Morris Gallery, a not-for-profit organization based in Morris’ childhood home in Walthamstow, England.
The Art of Color, an artisanal textile line under Stout Textiles, introduces its exclusive Morningside collection of fabric and coordinating wallpaper designed by textile designer and artist Kristen Leigh. Featuring hues that evoke a sense of joy, the collection is free from stuffiness and intended to offer levity to the spaces they decorate. Two years in the making, the collection came to life through Kristen’s watercolors on paper.
Sustainability was always part of Greg Roth’s personal ethos, but it didn’t become the central focus of his professional life until Stephen Pallrand challenged him to design a home with zero carbon footprint. The project was Casa Zero and would become the first CarbonShack case study house in Los Angeles.