Champions of Design Entrepreneurship: Noz Nozawa

Introducing a new ongoing series, Champions of Design Entrepreneurship, created in partnership with Serena Martin of 24/7 Creative Agency, which offers a rare, intimate look into the minds of industry trailblazers. Featuring first-person accounts from renowned designers, architects, artisans, and industry veterans, each story is a reflection of how they interpret what it means to be both a ‘champion’ and an ‘entrepreneur’ in our field. This first installment features interior designer Noz Nozawa:

Noz Nozawa on finding fulfillment

When my business started getting busier in 2016, I started having existential doubts about what I was spending all my waking hours doing — I remember distinctly struggling with the fact that interior design was my calling, but that it felt sometimes like the pursuit of “beauty” meant I was helping wealthy folks with lovely homes buy lovely expensive things they didn’t technically “need.” And it was wearing on me to not have my life’s work in alignment with service and community. 

Fixture from Noz Nozawa for Corbett Lighting

So I decided to find a women’s shelter to donate some of my earnings to, and I realized that giving back was the necessary component for me to have a really fulfilling career as a design entrepreneur. I eventually also renovated their offices via donations from my wonderful vendors, and served as a volunteer board member for five years.

San Francisco and the AAPIDA

Dedicating a portion of my time and business proceeds to my community in San Francisco has transformed my gratitude for the work I get to do everyday. Currently, I am proud to be a member of the Architecture & Design Accessions Committee at the SFMOMA — my favorite museum in our city!

Japanese Tree House by Noz Design | Photo by Christopher Stark

It has also been incredibly rewarding to spend my time and efforts to contribute to the AAPI Design Alliance (first as a co-founder of our Northern California chapter, and now as a member of the executive board), whose mission and values I am deeply aligned with.

Rainbow House Foyer by Noz Design | Photo by Brittany Ambridge

On top of how fun it is to help produce events, I’ve made so many friends across the US through the organization, who I can visit whenever I’m in their city, and with whom I can commune about business questions!

See Also

Championing design entrepreneurship

What can individual designers and/or manufacturers be doing more of to encourage design entrepreneurship? Be more transparent and vulnerable!

When I started my business in 2014, it felt impossible to find tactical information about different ways to set your pricing, what anything cost (photography, fancy lighting, bookkeepers, anything!), or even just the “dumb” early-on questions that would have made being a baby-entrepreneur so much easier.

Lower Haight Victorian by Noz Nozawa | Photo by SEN Creative

It doesn’t seem any easier to start a design business these days, so each of us in this field — by sharing more for the next generation of entrepreneur-hopefuls, will make our industry so much stronger. | To learn more about Noz Nozawa visit her online: and stay tuned for our next installment of Champions of Design Entrepreneurship featuring President and CEO of High Point Market, Tammy Covington Nagem

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